About Hugo Polanco

Hugo is a Mexican-American Phoenix native and a product of the Arizona public school system (pronouns: he, him, his). After tumbling into fundraising as a profession in the nonprofit sector, he then took his talents and drive to the political arena. In his first foray into political fundraising for Democratic candidate David Garcia, he exceeded expectations and raised over half-a-million dollars, more money that had ever been raised for that race in Arizona, regardless of party. Hugo then successfully ran the campaign of Adrian Fontes for Maricopa County Recorder, the first Latino elected to a Maricopa County office, ever. And finally, after a brief but effective stint working for the Maricopa County Democratic Party, Hugo joined the Arizona Donor Alliance as Deputy Director, working with high-performing independent political organizations to elect Progressives to office.

Rape in the desert

Pictured below is a rape tree in the Table Top Wilderness. What is a rape tree? A rape tree is a sick homage to the sexual violence occuring every day in the Sonoran desert; a display of undergarments of  women and young girls that are victims of rape while crawling through the desert in search of a better life.

This disgusting reality is one of the reasons I am passionate about immigrant rights. The policies currently in place are directly responsible for this, along with the 88 deaths in the desert since October of 2010.

Animus in Arizona.

Have you ever heard of a rape tree?

Finding Animus in Arizona

Animus – noun

1. strong dislike or enmity; hostile attitude; animosity.

2. purpose; intention; animating spirit.

Hello everyone! Animus in Arizona is my venture into the blogging world. I have thought about blogging for a long time, but haven’t had enough inspiration to do so. Why am I blogging? I am passionate about issues of immigrant rights and homelessness in Arizona. This blog will serve to express said passion, as well as connect the reader (you) with local Arizona issues. I will write about opportunities to get involved, financially and with volunteerism. I also plan to write about politics at a hyper-local level, like the important Phoenix Mayoral race coming up.

Animus in Arizona is about both definitions of the word. I am a firm believer that challenges, struggles, and animosity, are concepts that make one grow as a person. If you are content and stress-free all the time, you are not being challenged. When you are not challenged, you do not grow, and I constantly want to grow and become better as a person. My animus in Arizona is an ever evolving concept; different things, at different times.

Animus can also mean purpose or animating spirit. My animus in Arizona, my purpose in Arizona, is to help in the fight for immigrant rights and the struggle of the homeless. This animus is also my animating spirit, the fuel that drives my passion and motivates me to help.

A much lighter in nature manifestation of animus in this blog will be the promotion of all things local, from restaurants and events to notable Phoenicians and local bands.

Animus in Arizona.

What is your animus?